Tuesday, July 29, 2014

New Beginnings

   Well hello there, world of bloggers or whoever might be reading this. I've thought about blogging for awhile now, but I never really got around to it...but here I am! I'm Sarah Knight, it's a pleasure to meet you! As I sit here and wonder what in the world I'm supposed to write, I began to think (which is an awful thing) "what if no one reads this?" Honestly, I am going to do this very blog on things I often think about and my opinions on different subjects. If you'd like to read my blog, I'd love for you to read along. If you would not like to read my blog, it's cool if ya don't.
   Although I might not be the best writer, I love to share my opinions and I love to write about things I believe. Embracing life is great. It's great to know the positive side to things; I'm going to try to portray that in this blog. I also love to know all the readers opinions!
   As of right now, I'm starting a new chapter in my life. I just moved, I'm going to a new school, and attempting to make new friends. This process is very stressful and awkward for me. I am an extremely awkward person, so absolutely everything I do seems really just awkward. I was so excited about moving, but now I'm out of my bubble...I want my bubble back. If you are anything like me, the person you think you are and the person you are when you meet new people are completely different. I always make myself look and sound like someone who sits in a corner and looks at the ceiling all day. I turn into a brick. I'm suddenly brainless. I don't know how to talk or where to put my hands when I talk and I think too much and I don't know what to do and ahhhhhh. I guess I go through this awkward stage of not knowing anyone around me; therefore, I just sit at home and sulk in my boredom(not a good idea).
  As of right now, I am learning how to get out of this anti-social bubble I have. It is so hard! I try to put myself in situations where I HAVE to talk to someone, or I HAVE to meet someone new. That will be my challenge at school this year, for sure. Calming down about this much bigger school I'm going to is so hard also! "This is the struggle, people!" *annoying preppy voice*.
  This school year, I'm going to remember who I am.  I know, in life, people will try to change to who I am. They will try to make me believe differently, dress differently, talk differently, and act differently. It can't effect me. I'm so much happier when I am myself than if I try to act like someone I'm not. If you're going through this, trust me...you will be SO much happier not trying to please people. If they don't like who you are and what you're about, then that's their problem! They don't have to like you. Be encouraged by the people who do like you and don't give the other people the satisfaction of bringing you down. You are better than to throw yourself away for someone who doesn't like who you are. Be who you were created to be.